Raspberry Pi INA219 Tutorial
This tutorial demonstrates how to measure DC power consumption with a Raspberry Pi and an INA219 breakout board. The I²C board is combined with a 16×2 LCD display to track voltage, amps and watts.
This tutorial demonstrates how to measure DC power consumption with a Raspberry Pi and an INA219 breakout board. The I²C board is combined with a 16×2 LCD display to track voltage, amps and watts.
This tutorial demonstrates how to control and measure the speed of a brushless DC motor from the Raspberry Pi using a low cost electronic speed controller. A TCRT5000 reflection sensor is used to measure RPM, the results are displayed on an I2C 7 segment numeric LED display and a push wheel switch allows user input for throttle control.
Tutorial demonstrating how to connect analog sensors to the Raspberry Pi using SPI and I²C analog-to-digital converter chips such as the MCP3002 and the ADS1115. Examples include low cost analog water level/detection and water pressure sensors.
Tutorial demonstrating how to build a Raspberry Pi audio spectrum analyzer using a bi-color LED matrix and a Holtek HT16K33 I²C LED controller driver. A 4 channel I²C-safe bi-directional logic level converter is used to handle communication between the 3.3 V Pi and the 5 V HT16K33.
This tutorial demonstrates how to send and receive emails using the SendGrid API from within Python and Node.js applications running on the Raspberry Pi. In addition webhooks will be used to monitor and respond to incoming emails.
This tutorial demonstrates how to host a Rocket.Chat Internet chat server on the Raspberry Pi 2. In addition, Hubot will be configured to interact with chat room users. The bot will respond to commands, send out notifications and interface with hardware connected to the Pi’s GPIO pins.
This tutorial demonstrates how to connect to an Internet JSON weather API from the Raspberry Pi in python and display city temperatures and conditions from around the world on an LCD display. A DHT22 sensor is also connected to display local temperature and humidity.
This tutorial demonstrates how to hook up a graphics LCD display to a Raspberry Pi. I created a Python library for the Adafruit ST7565 GLCD display which lets you draw graphics, display text in different fonts and import image files.
This tutorial demonstrates how to use a Raspberry Pi to program AVR chips and how to use SPI protocol in Python which can be used to communicate between a Pi and an AVR or any other device that supports SPI.
A quick tutorial demonstrating how to install and use LCDProc on the Raspberry Pi. Shows how to write custom python clients including a DHT22 temperature/humidity large font display and a temperature bar graph.